We went to Wythenshawe
this week for the "all elder-training." I wasn't sure what to expect
from this meeting.. I thought we might all be getting rebuked for
something.. but actually it was all focused on the atonement of Jesus
Christ. It was the 3rd most powerful meeting I have ever been to. I just
loved it. I know that it was something we all needed. I know that the
atonement is so important. We need to find ways to use it every day.
have been on a few adventures this week. Teaching Romanian gypsy's,
Slovaks, and Hungarians with broken English. We did service for a
member, taught people how to do their family history, took call ins from
the district leaders, went to a stake ward mission leader training, I
sang in sacrament meeting, gave a talk, played the organ, went to some
amazing members homes for tea appointments, made some new friends, was
spit on, tried to get involved in a charity, sang at a reservoir,
chucked a couch in a tip, just totally random things ... I mean heck..
The list goes on and on.
Here are some pics for the week. I won't describe them all today.. sorry. :( But I LOVE YOU ALL!
1) A reservoir. Dovestones. google it.
2)Me and E. Raz. If you go on my blog and check back to the MTC you'll find a pic of us when we were just baby missionaries
3) Me and Elder Kunzler at spppooorrts day for elders :) He's from Rexburg.
Elder Humpherys
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